Conference Program

Bear and human – facets of a multilayered relationship (Oct. 16th to Oct. 18th 2019, Orsa Predator Park, Dalarna, Sweden)

October 15th 2019: arrival  

Evening: social get-together and ice-breaking

October 16th 2019: conference day (day 1)

09.00-09.15: Olof Sundqvist, Alexandra Pesch & Oliver Grimm, Conference opening

Section 1: Bear biology and ethology; recent bear populations

09.15-09.45: Kenneth Ekvall, About the history of Swedish predator parks and the role of
Brown Bears

09.45-10.15: Andreas Zedrosser, Biology and ethology of bears  

10.15-10.45: Michael Schneider, Recent bear populations in Scandinavia

10.45-11.15: coffee/tea break

Section 2: Archaeozoological long-term studies

11.15-11.45: Ola Magnell: Bear and human in the long term (Sweden)

11.45-12.15: Ulrich Schmölcke, Bear and human in the long term (southwestern coastline of the Baltic sea)

12.15-14.00: lunch break

Section 3: Archaeo(zoo)logical, focused analysis

14.00-14.30: Karl-Johan Lindholm & John Ljungkvist, Bear remains in first millennium AD burials from Sweden 

14.30-15.00: Oliver Grimm, Bear skin burials revisited (first millennium AD; northern Europe)

15.00-15.30: coffee/tea break

Section 3 (continuing)

15.30-16.00: Ola Magnell, Frösön in Jämtland, Northern Sweden: testimony of bear cult? (late first millennium AD)  

16.00-17.00: Olof Sundqvist, Alexandra Pesch & Oliver Grimm, Look back on the day & discussion

October 17th 2019: conference (day 2)

Section 4: Finnish case study 

9.00-09.30: Kristiiina Mannermaa, Bear and human in the long term (Finland)

09.30-10.00: Tuija Kirkinen, Wild animal skins in Iron Age and Medieval graves (eastern Fennoscandia)

10.00-10.30: coffee/tea break

Section 4 (continuing)

10.30-11.00: Marja-Liina Keinänen, The bear in Finnish religion and folklore

11.00-11.30: Olof Sundqvist, Alexandra Pesch & Oliver Grimm, Look back on the morning & discussion  

11.30-13.00: lunch break 

Afternoon: study trip to the predator park

October 18th 2019: conference (day 3)

Section 5: History of religion

09.00-09.30: Olof Sundqvist, The role of the bear in ancient Scandinavian religion

Section 6: Literary Studies

09.30-10.00: Agneta Ney, The role of bears in Old Norse Literature

10.00-10.30: Karin Dirke, In the eye of the bear; 19th century narratives of bear encounters

10.30-11.00: coffee/tea break

Section 6 (continuing)

11.00-11.30: Claudia Lindén, Bears, religion and animal rights in Selma Lagerlöf`s work 

11.30-13.00: lunch break  

Section 7: Image science; archaeology and art history   

13.00-13.30: Daniel Groß, Bear figurines from the southern coastline of the Baltic Sea
(Mesolithic; 10.000-4.000 BC) and northern European rock art (Mesolithic and younger)

13.30-14.00: Sigmund Oehrl, Figurative depictions of bears in Scandinavian art during the first millennium AD 

14.00-14.30: Coffee Break

Section 7 (continuing)    

14.30-15.00: Åsa Ahrland, The role of bears in Swedish art history (yet to be specified)

15.00-15.30: Vera Henkelmann, Bear depictions on hunting horns and courtly love caskets – human-animal relationships in Europe´s late Middle Ages

15.30-16.30: Olof Sundqvist, Alexandra Pesch & Oliver Grimm, Conference summary & discussion

October 19th 2019 

day of departure  


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